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Image by Pedro Lima


Image by Edward Cisneros

Transforming Lives through Your Power of Giving

Giving is an important act of worship, and that it plays a crucial role in the work we do to serve our community and share the Good News of the love of Christ with others.


Your offerings and seeds are spiritual investments that is used to fund our various ministries and outreach programs. Your giving allow us to continue to provide vital services to our community and help us to fulfill our mission of spreading God's love to those in need.


We believe that giving should be a joyful and meaningful act, and that is why we offer a variety of ways to give that are convenient and secure. You can give online through our website, or you can give in person during our Sunday services. 

Unleashing Abundance: Opening the Windows of Heaven through Generous Giving"

Our Father in the Lord, Prophet Uebert Angel often says “we are an open book”.
We are committed to financial transparency, and we provide regular updates and reports to our congregation.


We understand that giving is a personal decision, and we appreciate your support at any level. We believe that every gift, no matter how small, makes a difference and helps us to continue our important work in the world.

As you know, giving is a spiritual avenue created by God Himself to get your needs met. As you tithe, you’re opening the windows of heaven for yourself and everything that is connected to you.


Jesus Himself in Luke 6:38 said, "Give and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” 

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